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 Welcome, please log in Thursday February 6th, 2025

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One-And-Done Pick 'Em

Welcome to KF Sports Fantasy Golf, where you pick a single golfer per week (you are only allowed to select a certain golfer once). How do you win? By accumulating the most earnings over the course of the season. You earn money list points based on the money your selected golfer earns during a given tournament. Each week you'll have to select one golfer for a tournament. Once selected, you may not use that golfer again. There are 37 tournaments throughout the year.

Free to Play or Join the Prize Pool

KF Sports One-And-Done Pick 'Em is FREE to play. In addition to playing for free, there is a prize pool available to those players who have paid a $25 entry fee. The top three places of those who paid will win! You don't have to pay right away but the deadline to pay and join the prize pool is WEDNESDAY, 4/05/2023 before the start of the 11th tournament of the year.

Selecting Your Golfer

Each week, you must choose a golfer that will compete in the event for that week. Once selected, a golfer will not be available for your selection again. You may change your golfer at any time prior to Wednesday at midnight for that tournament's week. As a convenience, the list of scheduled golfers for the current tournament will be placed at top of the selection drop down box usually by Monday afternoon. The pool of golfers offered is not a guarantee of who is actually playing in that week's tournament. Participation changes from week to week.

Golfer Selecting Deadline

A tournament period consists of one tournament each week (click the "Tournaments" link to view.) Most tournament periods run for four days, usually Thursday through Sunday (some tournaments end on Monday, so check the Scheduled Tournaments each week.) The deadline for picking your golfer each week is 12:00 AM PST the day of the first tournament that week. A good rule of thumb is to have your pick in by Wednesday of each week, however there are a couple of tournaments which start on Wednesday so those picks need to be in by Tuesday. If you fail to select a golfer, you will be awarded zero money toward your overall money list score for each week you do not select a golfer. Although it isn't necessary to participate each week, it is strongly encouraged since missing a week will reduce your chances of winning.


Each entrant will earn money points according to the money earned by the golfer selected for each week (where $1 = $1 point). The total of all your weekly earnings/points will be what determines your overall score. Overseas Currency will be converted to US Dollars. Whoever has the most earnings/points on their money list after the last tournament is the winner. Generally a golfer needs to make the "cut" to earn money.


There is a $25 entry fee to join the prize pool. The top three paid spots at the end of the year win money. In case of a tie at the end of the year, the tiebreaker will be most Top Ten finishes. The payoffs are determined by the number of people who have paid into the pool. Generally the overall winner receives about 70% of the prize pool.

Have fun and good luck!!!